Category Archives: Releases

Nagios Plugins 2.3.3 Released

The Nagios Plugins team is proud to announce that nagios-plugins 2.3.3 has been released and is available for download.


  • check_http: Fix several issues related to page length calculation (#535, #533, #536)
  • check_icmp: fix issues when not running in debug mode (#530)

Download Nagios-Plugins 2.3.3 here.

Thanks to all who have contributed toward this release. If you need assistance installing or using the plugins, please visit our general support forum. Bug reports, feature requests, and additional comments are welcome and may be posted on our GitHub repo.

Nagios Plugins 2.3.2 Released

The Nagios Plugins team is proud to announce that nagios-plugins 2.3.2 has been released and is available for download.


  • build: Fix broken builds on some systems, including Homebrew (#508)
  • check_disk: Change unit calculations to always use binary units for backward compatibility (#518)
  • check_dns: Improve error messaging for “connection timed out” and “connected refused” cases (#503) (Barak Shohat)
  • check_http: Fix host:port syntax when using -H (#514) (Isaac White)
  • check_icmp: All performance data tags should show when packet loss is 100% (#510)
  • check_icmp: Fix incorrect status when run against multiple hosts (#520)
  • check_mailq: Fix nullmailer regular expression to recognize minutes and seconds properly (#522)
  • check_ntp_peer: Fixed improper performance data by setting LC_NUMERIC to ‘C’ (#526)
  • check_ntp_time: Fixed improper performance data by setting LC_NUMERIC to ‘C’ (#526)
  • check_ping: Fixed inconsistent timeout behavior (#323, #419) (Barak Shohat)
  • perl dependencies: updated the included Module::Build to work with newer versions of perl (#505)

Download Nagios-Plugins 2.3.2 here.

Thanks to all who have contributed toward this release. If you need assistance installing or using the plugins, please visit our general support forum. Bug reports, feature requests, and additional comments are welcome and may be posted on our GitHub repo.

Nagios Plugins 2.3.0 Released

The Nagios Plugins Development Team is proud to announce that nagios-plugins 2.3.0 has been released and is available for download.


  • Added a plugin “remove_perfdata” to remove perfdata from another plugin’s output
  • Added a plugin “check_ssl_validity” which verifies a certificate through CRL or OCSP
  • Added directory plugins-python containing three Python plugins
  • check_apt: Add –only-critical switch
  • check_apt: Add –packages-warning (Marc Sánchez)
  • check_disk: Add –combined-thresholds to alert on a percentage AND raw units.
  • check_disk: Add –inode-perfdata to get extra performance data from inode statistics
  • check_disk: Add support for base-10 units kB, MB, GB, TB; rename base-2 units to KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB
  • check_disk_smb: Add configfile feature
  • check_disk_smb: Added additional smb support
  • check_disk_smb: Allow non-latin characters in names (Konstantin Shalygin)
  • check_file_age: Use extended plugin output to show one file per line
  • check_http: New parameter --verify-host will check if -H hostname matches the SSL certificate
  • check_icmp: Add Jitter, MOS, Score (Alessandro Ren)
  • check_ldap: Add support for checking LDAP cert age (Guillaume Rousse)
  • check_mailq: Add mailq -C option for config dir or config file
  • check_mailq: Add option for opensmtpd (brigriffin)
  • check_mailq: Add support for opensmtpd
  • check_mysql_query: Add –character-set flag
  • check_ntp: Add –delay flag to circumvent DOS detection
  • check_ntp: Add –allow-zero-stratum flag
  • check_ntp_time: Add –delay flag to circumvent DOS detection
  • check_ntp_time: Add support for monitoring stratum of timesources
  • check_oracle: Add support for Oracle XE databases (Peter Athaks)
  • check_ping: plugin output will now include hostname and IP address
  • check_pgsql: Add –print-query flag
  • check_procs: Add FreeBSD jail support (Mathieu Arnold)
  • check_procs: Allow process to be excluded from check_procs (Marcel Klein)
  • check_procs: Additional performance data metrics (azthec)
  • check_radius: Add calling-station-id (cejkar)
  • check_smtp: Add –proxy flag for PROXY protocol (Patrick Uiterwijk)
  • check_smtp: Add support for –sni (Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz)
  • check_snmp: Add –strict flag to ensure returned OID matches -o.
  • check_swap: Add –no-swap flag (Mario Trangoni)
  • check_ups: Add check for battery runtime left (gino0631)
  • lib: Added warning_string/critical_string to struct thresholds for storing originally parsed strings
  • ssl_utils: Added certificate expiry data in OK status (check_http, check_smtp, check_tcp) (Matt Capra)


  • build: Fix ax_with_python not crashing on Python3 (Michael Orlitzky)
  • build: fix for FreeBSD SWAPFORMAT
  • build: Fix rpmbuild errors (Josh Coughlan)
  • check_disk: autofs being mounted despite ‘-l’. Fixed, and also excluded some system “fake” mountpoints
  • check_disk: Add missing timeout logic
  • check_dns: Fix for Bind 9.11.x AAAA records being reported with A record format (Troy Lea)
  • check_dns: reverse (PTR) check is now case insensitive
  • check_file_age: For multiple files, use the “worst” status instead of the “last” one
  • check_file_age: perfdata labels when using multiple files
  • check_file_age: For multiple files, don’t exit immediately on first file not found
  • check_http: Additional header/status checking
  • check_http: Fix –no-body
  • check_http: When checking certificate, don’t check content/status unless specified by –continue-after-certificate
  • check_load: Fixed for operating systems which don’t have commas in their load averages (like Mac OSX)
  • check_log does not check for “-O oldlog”
  • check_log lost ability to use regexes for query (-q) in 2.1.4
  • check_mysql_query & mysql_query: extra-opts causes crash
  • check_ntp/ntp_time/ntp_peer: Fix how thresholds are displayed in performance data
  • check_ntp_time calls write on a UDP socket without a successful call to connect
  • check_ntp_time: Periodically returns “Socket timeout” when one of several ntp server doesn’t respond
  • Fixed crash due to references to undefined variables
  • check_ping: FreeBSD ping working natively
  • check_procs: Prevent buffer overflow/crash on Solaris
  • check_radius: Fix for null pointer dereference (Vít Heřman)
  • check_sensors: Fix fault test with –ignore-fault
  • check_snmp: Fix –authpasswd option
  • check_snmp: Fix perfdata not adhering to plugin dev guidelines
  • check_snmp: warning/critical perfdata is returned properly
  • check_ups: Change performance data units to match spec. (Temperature and voltage units can be accessed via -e)
  • check_wave: produces lots of errors if required arguments are not provided

Download Nagios-Plugins 2.3.0 here.

Thanks to all who have contributed toward this release. If you need assistance installing or using the plugins, please visit our general support forum. Bug reports, feature requests, and additional comments are welcome and may be posted to our plugin development forum.

Nagios Plugins 2.2.1 Released

The Nagios Plugins Development Team is proud to announce that nagios-plugins 2.2.1 has been released and is available for download.


  • check_users: not accepting zero as the threshold
  • check_http: reports warning where it should report ok with -e
  • check_snmp: does not work with -6 –ipv6 flags
  • check_swap: threshold calculation in bytes requires subtracting 65
  • check_uptime: fixed backward help text for thresholds
  • check_http: Don’t prematurely report success when checking HTTP TLS cert validity
  • check_http: fix parsing the last header
  • check_mailq: Fix for Postfix and better Sudo Checking
  • Fix spelling error
  • check_ntp_peer: requires newline when there is a socket timeout (fix in netutils.c)
  • check_users: segmentation fault if both thresholds are not provided
  • check_dns: DNS CRITICAL – expected ‘{hostname}.’ but got ‘name = {hostname}.’
  • check_mailq: Nullmailer Regex is not working for Ubuntu 16.04
  • check_swap: Downstream Fedora patch: Prevent check_swap from returning OK, if no swap activated
  • Building RPMs on Amazon Linux – Add ‘install-root’ on line 165 of spec file
  • check_http: Memory allocation error

Download Nagios-Plugins 2.2.1 here.

Thanks to all who have contributed toward this release. If you need assistance installing or using the plugins, please visit our general support forum. Bug reports, feature requests, and additional comments are welcome and may be posted to our plugin development forum.

Nagios Plugins 2.1.2 Released

The Nagios Plugins Development Team is proud to announce that nagios-plugins 2.1.2 has been released and is available for download.

– check_snmp’s performance data now also includes warning/critical thresholds
– New check_snmp “-N” option to specify SNMPv3 context name
– New check_nt “-l” parameters: seconds|minutes|hours|days
– New check_mailq -s option which tells the plugin to use sudo
– New -W/-C option for check_ldap to check number of entries
– The check_http -S/–ssl option now accepts the arguments “1.1” and “1.2” to force TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 connections, respectively
– The check_http -S/–ssl option now allows for specifying the desired protocol with a “+” suffix to also accept newer versions
– New check_disk “-v” option to show troubled partition in verbose mode
– Added a parameter -w (–max_warning) to defining upper value to return a warning code
– Add support for LDAP URIs in check_ldap
– Provide performance data in check_file_age
– Added –hostname support to check_by_ssh
– Add check_ifstatus option to ignore interfaces by name
– Introduce support for SNMPv3 context using “-N” option in check_snmp:
– Added IPv6 support to check_snmp.c
– Added support for checking SSL-Websites through Proxies to check_http

– check_dig can now also use “drill” instead of “dig”
– check_dig now honors the -4 and -6 switches
– Fix check_jabber to work with Openfire servers
– Fix “-n” and “-u” options in to ignore if either is set, not just both
– Fix perfdata to comply with perfdata UOM definition in check_mrtgtraf
– Change warning to critical for protocal/version errors in check_ssh
– Make header_value() and chunked-encoding decoding more robust in check_http
– Fix Host header if explicitly set with -k in check_http
– Enable check_proc to monitor processes in PID name-spaced environments.
– Prevent large tide values from truncation in check_disk
– Timeticks are now being parsed correctly before performance data in check_snmp
– Fixed mailer names in
– Improved output when swap space has zero size incheck_swap
– Check if OpenSSL supports SSLv3
– Optimize output if SSL certificate expires in less then 24 hours
– Increased MAX_RE_SIZE from 256 to 2048 in check_http
– Changed the ps command to allow for longer output in check_procs
– Allow a server to reply using only ‘HTTP/1.x 200 OK’ and a body, with no headers in check_http
– Other more minor fixes


Download Nagios-Plugins 2.1.2 here.

Thanks to all who have contributed toward this release. If you need assistance installing or using the plugins, please visit our general support forum. Bug reports, feature requests, and additional comments are welcome and may be posted to our plugin development forum.

Nagios Plugins 2.1.1 Released

The Nagios Plugins Development Team is proud to announce that nagios-plugins 2.1.1 has been released and is available for download.

Dang release gremlins.

lib/utils_cmd.c – Reverted to fix check_procs segfault (abrist)

Download Nagios-Plugins 2.1.1 here.

Thanks to all who have contributed toward this release. If you need assistance installing or using the plugins, please visit our general support forum. Bug reports, feature requests, and additional comments are welcome and may be posted to our plugin development forum.

Nagios Plugins 2.1.0 Released

The Nagios Plugins Development Team is proud to announce that nagios-plugins 2.1.0 has been released and is available for download.

As promised, both the findbin and timeout_state branches have included in this release. The nasty awk script for perl plugin paths has been removed and replaced with the functionality of FindBin.  Enhancements to the timeout (-t) switch were included in the timeout_state branch.  See below for details:

-t <interval>:<state>

Interval is a positive integer.
State is case insensitive and one of:
State name: ok/warning/critical/unknown
Or stateid: 0/1/2/3

For example:
-t 5:0 = 5 seconds timeout with state ok
-t :warning = default timeout with state warning
-t 5 = 5 second timeout with default state

Additionally, check_http now supports chunked-encoded pages, check_radius now supports the FreeRADIUS Client library, and  check_snmp now support IPv6.

There were many other small fixes from coverity and our fantastic community, as well as a large number of smaller enhancements,  bug fixes, localization fixes, and typo corrections.

Download Nagios-Plugins 2.1.0 here.

A full list of included enhancements and fixes are listed below:

ssl_utils.c – Disable SSLv3 & SSLv2 autonegotiation by default to limit poodle and other weak cipher attacks (sreinhardt)

Timeout States Implemented – Plugins that support a timeout state will now also support specifying the exit state in case of timeout with the syntax -t <timeout>:<state> (abrist)
Perl plugins now use FindBin for path discovery, obsoleting the nasty AWK script (evgeni, abrist)
check_http.c – Added support for chunked transfer-encoding (koenwtje, dermoth, sreinhardt)
check_radius.c – Added support for the FreeRADIUS Client library (weiss)
check_snmp.c – Added thresholds to performance data (seemuellera)
check_snmp.c – Added new option (-N) for SNMPv3 context (Johannes Engel)
check_snmp.c – Added IPv6 support (abrist)
check_ldap.c – Added a new option (-U) for LDAP URI support (qris) – Added new option (-n) to exclude interfaces (peelman, weiss) – Performance data output added (hggh) – Now supports sudo (Christopher Schultz, weiss) – Added a new option (-w) defining upper value to return a warning code (arvanus)

Download Nagios-Plugins 2.1.0 here.

check_by_ssh.c – Added –hostname support (sni)
check_dbi.c – Spelling corrections (sreinhardt)
check_dig.c – Fixed to work with dig/drill tools and ip version switch is now respected (abgandar)
check_disk.c – Fix for hanging filesystems (Gerhard Lausser)
check_disk.c – Partitions in problem state now reported in verbose mode (waja)
check_disk.c – Prevent large tide values from truncation (JesperForsberg)
check_dns.c – Server specific fixes and other cleanup (sreinhardt)
check_http.c – Some small changes for readability (koenwtje)
check_mrtgtraf.c – Added verbose output (sreinhardt)
check_mrtgtraf.c – Perfdata now complies with UOM definition (Bobzikwick)
check_ntp_peer.c – No longer uses uninitialized results for max state (sni)
check_procs.c – Rare race condition fixed (Mikael Falkvidd)
check_ssh.c – Now exits with CRITICAL when version/protocol string check fails to match (sni)
check_tcp.c – Help description of escape characters now correct (Sebastian Herbszt)
check_tcp.c – Fix to support Openfire servers with check_jabber (weiss)
check_ups.c – Spelling corrections (sreinhardt)
pst3.c – Fix for unclosed file handle in pst3 on Solaris (jwinkle01)
plugins-scripts/*.sh – Trusted path fixes (waja)
netutils.h – Decreased max path to 104 bytes to compensate for BSD paths (sreinhardt) – Fix for HP-UX ps command (Tontonitch)
lib/utils_cmd.c – Fix for potential segfault when ulimits are set to unlimited (nafets)
lib/parse_ini.c – Many small fixes from coverity scans and the community (sreinhardt, weiss)
lib/util_base.c – Code cleanup (sreinhardt)
lib/utils_base.c – Add EIUD to state retention path for multi-user permissions support (sreinhardt)
po/* – Spelling corrections (sreinhardt)
Multiple resource leaks fixed (sreinhardt)
Many other small fixes and cleanup caught by coverity (multiple contributors)

Download Nagios-Plugins 2.1.0 here.

Many small fixes to tests (multiple contributors)

Many small fixes for locales and localizations (multiple contributors)

Thanks to all who have contributed toward this release. If you need assistance installing or using the plugins, please visit our general support forum. Bug reports, feature requests, and additional comments are welcome and may be posted to our plugin development forum.

Download Nagios-Plugins 2.1.0 here.

Nagios Plugins 2.0.3 Released

The Nagios Plugins Development Team is proud to announce that nagios-plugins 2.0.3 has been released and is available for download.

This release is mostly small bug fixes and additional protections against the SUID vulnerability discovered by Dawid Golunski. As we are now using coverity to scan for small bugs, there will be a number of small commits in the near future.

The mailq autodetection commits were reverted as there were issues with parsing performed by the awk script. We decided to use FindBin in lieu of shimming the awk regex. You can try out the proposed FindBin changes in the branch “findbin”.  Expect the branches findbin and timeout_state to be merged into the next major release (2.1.0).

A full list of included enhancements and fixes are listed below:


  • parse_ini.c – Additional fixes for the SUID plugins vulnerabilities (sreinhardt)
  • Added Gnulib module idpriv-droptemp (weiss)


  • check_dns.c – Resolved issues with reverse lookup (sreinhardt)
  • check_dns.c – Changed query types from ALL to ANY (sreinhardt)
  • common.h – Include fixes for esoteric AIX compile issues (emislivec)
  • negate.c – Small fixes from coverity (66479) (66480) (sreinhardt)
  • check_dhcp.c – Small fix from coverity (66488) (sreinhardt)
  • check_http.c – Potential memory leak and overflow fixed from coverity (66514) (sreinhardt)
  • check_ntp.c – Small fix from coverity (66524) (sreinhardt)
  • utils_cmd.c – Small file descriptor fix from coverity (66502) (sreinhardt)
  • check_apt.c – Small fix for from coverity (66531) (sreinhardt)


  • check_mailq – Reverted autodetection commits to avoid awk parsing issues. Autodetection will return in version 2.1.0 as part of the changes in the FindBin branch (abrist)

Thanks to all who have contributed toward this release. If you need assistance installing or using the plugins, please visit our general support forum. Bug reports, feature requests, and additional comments are welcome and may be posted to our plugin development forum.

Nagios Plugins 2.0.2 Released

The Nagios Plugins Development Team is proud to announce that nagios-plugins 2.0.2 has been released and is available for download.

This release was prompted a bit earlier than originally expected by a newly discovered security vulnerability reported by Dawid Golunski on exploit-db. It concerned an arbitrary file access vulnerability with the SUID binaries (check_icmp, check_dhcp) and the extra-opts configure flag (which is enabled by default).  Fixes were applied globally, so the new restrictions on fopen should apply to all plugins.

Additionally, a few plugins were updated to successfully build on windows under cygwin, and some small changes were made to plugin output and verbosity.

A full list of included enhancements and fixes are listed below:


  • Fixed file access vulnerability with SUID binaries (check_icmp, check_dhcp) and extra-opts.  Fixes were applied globally, so the new resrictions on fopen should apply to all plugins. Special thanks to Dawid Golunski for the submission. More information:  (sreinhardt) (emislivec)


  • check_disk – Now compiles in cygwin on windows (Gunnar Beutner)
  • check_ping – Now compiles in cygwin on windows (Gunnar Beutner)
  • check_users – Now compiles in cygwin on windows (Gunnar Beutner)
  • netutils.c – Connection error verbosity increased. C plugins will now differentiate file socket errors from connection errors (Davide Madrisan)


  • check_nt.c – Changed ‘Mb’ to ‘MB’ in MEMUSE output for clarity (abrist)

Thanks to all who have contributed toward this release. If you need assistance installing or using the plugins, please visit our general support forum. Bug reports, feature requests, and additional comments are welcome and may be posted to our plugin development forum.

Nagios Plugins 2.0.1 Released

The Nagios Plugins Development Team is proud to announce that nagios-plugins 2.0.1 has been released and is available for download. This is mostly a maintenance release, focusing on check_dns stability and some bugs in the new check_uptime plugin. A full list of included enhancements and fixes are listed below:


  • check_snmp.c – Added thresholds to performance data (jccomputing)
  • check_http.c – Added */* MIME support (Alex Gottschalk)
  • – Added autodetection for mailq implementation (evgeni)
  • – Added autodetected version to output (evgeni)


  • check_dns.c – Record type corrections for default check (sreinhardt)
  • utils.c – Changed comment type – now supported by AIX and should no longer fail compile (hkpatv)
  • check_uptime.c – Fixed timeout option (abrist)
  • check_uptime.c – Fixed help output and updated verbose usage (abrist)
  • check_uptime.c – Removed executable permissions on check_uptime.c (abrist)
  • check_uptime.c – Removed old code (madrisian)
  • check_pgsql.c – Fixed help output (weiss)
  • lib/ – Avoid deprecated includes (madrasian)
  • lib/tests/ – Avoid deprecated includes (madrasian)
  • plugins/ – Avoid deprecated includes (madrasian)
  • check_apt.c – Removed the verbose flag suggestion (skottler)
  • check_oracle.c – Changed regex to compensate for tns string match edge cases (waja)
  • check_snmp.c – Always privides the security name when noAuthPriv is specified (catharsis)

Thanks to all who have contributed toward this release. If you need assistance installing or using the plugins, please visit our general support forum. Bug reports, feature requests, and additional comments are welcome and may be posted to our plugin development forum.