Fwd: Help with nagios plugins in suse linux
pablo muñoz
pablomunozrojas at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 7 21:10:24 CET 2013
I'm clear
Thank you!!!
2013/11/7 Keith Bastin <kbastin at mindspring.com>
> SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 and OpenSuSE 11 both have nagios
> included as standard packages including two different packages of plugin
> rpm's. They are not installed by default but can be easily installed either
> from the zypper install utility or via yast/software management - search
> for nagios and select the packages you need. - This is the easiest way
> because it resolves all of the dependencies for you (either from the
> install media or from the update repositories).
> If you want to download the package from nagios you certainly can. I've
> added quite a few plugins by simply copying them into my plugin directory
> after the basic install.
> On 11/7/2013 3:00 PM, pablo muñoz wrote:
> thank you! but my intention is to install the source package not rpm,
> but will do so if there is no option
> thanks again
> 2013/11/7 Eusebio Castillo Navarro <ECastillo at osiatis.es>
>> zypper install
>> Enviado desde mi BlackBerry® de Vodafone
>> ------------------------------
> *From: *pablo muñoz <pablomunozrojas at yahoo.com>
>> *Sender: *Help <help-bounces+ecastillo=osiatis.es at nagios-plugins.org>
>> *Date: *Thu, 7 Nov 2013 16:48:02 -0300
>> *To: *<help at nagios-plugins.org>
>> *ReplyTo: *Nagios Plugins Users <help at nagios-plugins.org>
>> *Subject: *Fwd: Help with nagios plugins in suse linux
>> Hello!!
>> I need to install nagios plugins on linux server suse 11, but not how
>> to install libopenssl-devel, anyone can help me?
>> thanks
>> Atte.
>> Pablo Muñoz
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