Fwd: Help with nagios plugins in suse linux

Keith Bastin kbastin at mindspring.com
Thu Nov 7 21:08:58 CET 2013

SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 and OpenSuSE 11 both have nagios 
included as standard packages including two different packages of plugin 
rpm's. They are not installed by default but can be easily installed 
either from the zypper install utility or via  yast/software management 
- search for nagios and select the packages you need. - This is the 
easiest way because it resolves all of the dependencies for you (either 
from the install media or from the update repositories).

If you want to download the package from nagios you certainly can. I've 
added quite a few plugins by simply copying them into my plugin 
directory after the basic install.

On 11/7/2013 3:00 PM, pablo muñoz wrote:
> thank you! but my intention is to install the source package not rpm, 
> but will do so if there is no option
> thanks again
> 2013/11/7 Eusebio Castillo Navarro <ECastillo at osiatis.es 
> <mailto:ECastillo at osiatis.es>>
>     zypper install
>     Enviado desde mi BlackBerry® de Vodafone
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------

>     *From: *pablo muñoz <pablomunozrojas at yahoo.com
>     <mailto:pablomunozrojas at yahoo.com>>
>     *Sender: *Help
>     <help-bounces+ecastillo=osiatis.es at nagios-plugins.org
>     <mailto:osiatis.es at nagios-plugins.org>>
>     *Date: *Thu, 7 Nov 2013 16:48:02 -0300
>     *To: *<help at nagios-plugins.org <mailto:help at nagios-plugins.org>>
>     *ReplyTo: *Nagios Plugins Users <help at nagios-plugins.org
>     <mailto:help at nagios-plugins.org>>
>     *Subject: *Fwd: Help with nagios plugins in suse linux
>     Hello!!
>     I need to install nagios plugins on linux server suse 11, but not
>     how to install libopenssl-devel, anyone can help me?
>     thanks
>     Atte.
>     Pablo Muñoz
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