[Nagiosplug-help] check_procs greedy matching

Philip Marcus pmarcus at factual.com
Fri Aug 14 00:51:41 CEST 2009

Maybe one of these options to check_procs would help:

  -a, --argument-array=STRING
   Only scan for processes with args that contain STRING.
   Only scan for processes with args that contain the regex STRING.
 -C, --command=COMMAND
   Only scan for exact matches of COMMAND (without path).

Looks like the " --ereg-argument-array=" might be what you need to catch the
REGEX you're trying to pass in.

Good Luck!


On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 12:29 PM, Brian Dold
<brian.dold at chicagotrading.com>wrote:

>  Hi all:
> I have a problem with greedy matching in check_procs.  I receive alerts for
> two processes running when someone looks at a core file on our system.
> Definition:
> command[check_process_by_fullpath]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_procs -c
> 1:1 --metric PROCS --argument-array "$ARG1$"
> Service Description:
> define service {
>     use         uschi12tv02-proc-template
>     service_description PROCESS: TV Server Process
>     check_period        uschi12tv02-tvserver-hours
>     notification_period uschi12tv02-tvserver-hours
>     check_command
> check_nrpe!check_process_by_fullpath!"/ctc/tv/bin/linux32/tvserverd"
> }
> When someone runs the following to look at core files, we get a false alert
> that two processes are running because the binary is in the core command:
> gdb /ctc/tv/bin/linux32/tvserverd /ctc/cores/core.tvserverd.22217.11
> I need to match similar to below (although this doesn’t work):
> check_command
> check_nrpe!check_process_by_fullpath!"^/ctc/tv/bin/linux32/tvserverd$"  -
> (note the ^ and $)
> Does anyone know how to do this?
> Thank you,
> Brian Dold
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