[Nagiosplug-help] check_procs greedy matching

Brian Dold brian.dold at chicagotrading.com
Thu Aug 13 21:29:25 CEST 2009

Hi all:


I have a problem with greedy matching in check_procs.  I receive alerts
for two processes running when someone looks at a core file on our



-c 1:1 --metric PROCS --argument-array "$ARG1$"


Service Description:

define service {

    use         uschi12tv02-proc-template

    service_description PROCESS: TV Server Process

    check_period        uschi12tv02-tvserver-hours

    notification_period uschi12tv02-tvserver-hours




When someone runs the following to look at core files, we get a false
alert that two processes are running because the binary is in the core

gdb /ctc/tv/bin/linux32/tvserverd /ctc/cores/core.tvserverd.22217.11


I need to match similar to below (although this doesn't work):

- (note the ^ and $)


Does anyone know how to do this?


Thank you,


Brian Dold

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