[Nagiosplug-help] Problem with Adding Contacts

Philip Marcus pmarcus at factual.com
Wed Apr 15 19:39:04 CEST 2009

Not sure if this is it or not, but take a look at the cgi.cfg file. You may
need to add some of the contacts there.


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 10:30 AM, David Nuttall <davenut86 at hotmail.com>wrote:

>  Hello,
> I've been fighting this problem for a few days now, and I'm stuck.  So when
> I go to add a new contact to a contact group, for some reason it will not
> allow this new contact to view anything.  When I look at the configuration
> setup on http://localhost/nagios for contacts and contact groups, they
> appear to not have been modified at all. I am in the process of setting up
> nagios on a new machine so we can retire our old one.  I can add contacts
> just fine on the old one, and they allow me to log in and view what is
> supposed to be shown, but on the newer nagios it will not show up.  I can
> modify my other files such as localhost.cfg or printers.cfg, and the changes
> show up on http://localhost/nagios when I'm logged in as nagiosadmin, but
> it will not show up the changes for the contacts and contact groups.  Is
> there some place that there is a cached file that I need to remove to have
> it update the new contacts?  I've replaced the files with copies from the
> one that works, and it still doesn't make a difference. I've restarted
> nagios many times and also restarted the machine nagios is running on, but
> still have the same result.  It keeps showing the old contacts and contact
> groups.  Any ideas would be greatly apreciated.
> David
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