[Nagiosplug-help] Problem with Adding Contacts

David Nuttall davenut86 at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 15 19:30:12 CEST 2009


I've been fighting this problem for a few days now, and I'm stuck.  So when I go to add a new contact to a contact group, for some reason it will not allow this new contact to view anything.  When I look at the configuration setup on http://localhost/nagios for contacts and contact groups, they appear to not have been modified at all. I am in the process of setting up nagios on a new machine so we can retire our old one.  I can add contacts just fine on the old one, and they allow me to log in and view what is supposed to be shown, but on the newer nagios it will not show up.  I can modify my other files such as localhost.cfg or printers.cfg, and the changes show up on http://localhost/nagios when I'm logged in as nagiosadmin, but it will not show up the changes for the contacts and contact groups.  Is there some place that there is a cached file that I need to remove to have it update the new contacts?  I've replaced the files with copies from the one that works, and it still doesn't make a difference. I've restarted nagios many times and also restarted the machine nagios is running on, but still have the same result.  It keeps showing the old contacts and contact groups.  Any ideas would be greatly apreciated.


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