[Nagiosplug-help] problem with nrpe return status

Alok Pandey alok.padey at gmail.com
Mon Oct 20 07:11:02 CEST 2008

Hi Baizeau,
I agree with you but i like to remind you that execution of same command 
form Shell prompt at monitoring host , returns the desired result.
The problem is only , when we try to monitor the status of remote host 
through webserver , then the STATUS column always shows NRPE version 
instead of full description.
Any idea ?
Can any one show me some light , were to look for the cause of problem.

Alok Pandey
Baizeau Alexandre wrote:
> Hi Alok
> Apparently your configuration problem is localized on your monitoring 
> host.
> Maybe you did not configure corectly you service .
> If Nagios show only his version it that it's execute the following 
> command : check_nrpe -H localhost
> That means  that your NRPE daemon on your client doesn't know that he 
> should perform a check_user.
> I would need more information about  your service definition for 
> check_user
> Sorry for my poor english
> Alexandre Baizeau
> *De :* Alok Pandey [mailto:alok.padey at gmail.com]
> *Envoyé :* vendredi, 17. octobre 2008 12:49
> *À :* nagiosplug-help at lists.sourceforge.net
> *Objet :* Re: [Nagiosplug-help] problem with nrpe return status
> Hi All,
> I would like to thanks you all for your  great support . I am  a 
> newbie (both to nagios and for this list).
> Below I have tried to be  specific as i can:
> For testing remote host,
> I had added a linux host to monitoring host (again linux) by 
> installing nrpe and nagios related plugins.
> Problem is whenever Ii execute command from monitoring host from 
> shell  prompt, it runs successfully and returns  the desired result.
> eg : Monitoring host
>  nagios]$ ./bin/check_nrpe -H check_users
>  results : 3 user , with load details (perfectly ok )  *
> *when I watch it's status using web, In status it always shows only 
> nrpe version (i.e NRPE2.X). without any details.
> like  
> *"NUM OF USERS    OK     10-17-2008 15:52:05     3d 0h 28m 10s     1/4 
>     NRPE v2.12 "
> *Can any one suggest me , were to look to fix this issue.
> Some details are as :
> Nagios 3.0rc2
> Nrpe v2.12 (both on monitoring host as well as on client)
> any suggestions are welcome..!
> thanks in advance .*
> --Alok Pandey*
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