[Nagiosplug-help] problem with nrpe return status

Baizeau Alexandre Alexandre.Baizeau at edipresse.ch
Fri Oct 17 15:01:39 CEST 2008


Hi Alok 


Apparently your configuration problem is localized on your monitoring host.


Maybe you did not configure corectly you service .


If Nagios show only his version it that it's execute the following command : check_nrpe -H localhost 


That means  that your NRPE daemon on your client doesn't know that he should perform a check_user.


I would need more information about  your service definition for check_user 


Sorry for my poor english 


Alexandre Baizeau 



De : Alok Pandey [mailto:alok.padey at gmail.com] 
Envoyé : vendredi, 17. octobre 2008 12:49
À : nagiosplug-help at lists.sourceforge.net
Objet : Re: [Nagiosplug-help] problem with nrpe return status


Hi All,

I would like to thanks you all for your  great support . I am  a newbie (both to nagios and for this list). 
Below I have tried to be  specific as i can:

For testing remote host, 
I had added a linux host to monitoring host (again linux) by installing nrpe and nagios related plugins.
Problem is whenever Ii execute command from monitoring host from shell  prompt, it runs successfully and returns  the desired result.
eg : Monitoring host
 nagios]$ ./bin/check_nrpe -H check_users
 results : 3 user , with load details (perfectly ok )  
when I watch it's status using web, In status it always shows only nrpe version (i.e NRPE2.X). without any details.
"NUM OF USERS    OK     10-17-2008 15:52:05     3d 0h 28m 10s     1/4     NRPE v2.12 "

Can any one suggest me , were to look to fix this issue.
Some details are as :
Nagios 3.0rc2
Nrpe v2.12 (both on monitoring host as well as on client)

any suggestions are welcome..!
thanks in advance .

--Alok Pandey


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