[Nagiosplug-help] Please help me..... Nagios supports this functionality ??

Jason Martin jhmartin at toger.us
Fri Apr 18 17:35:50 CEST 2008

On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 12:21:25PM +0530, Aniket Sawant wrote:
> I'm very very thankful to you for replying. I understand what you want to
> say. You mean to say that i have to write a perl script that will check for
> the conditions by writting a custom SQL query and return 0, 1, 2, 3 as
> status code, And nagios will send a alert/notification depending on that
> return status.
> Do you know where should i get such a perl script on web. I dont know
> anything about Perl.
Any scripting language will work, it just has to send those
paricular return codes.

> i have also figure out that will my problem resolved by creating client SNMP
> agent which will communicate with mysql and send the response back. and
> using that response, nagios will send a notification.
That will work too, but I imagine you will still have to custom
write something to test for your particular condition.

> Or there is any alternate way to do this.
Hundreds I am sure, but most of them culminate in having to
custom code something to perform the test you are interested in.

-Jason Martin
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