[Nagiosplug-help] error in nsclient++ & SNMP------------------urgent

Sivaraj Ganesan sganesan at opiglobal.com
Fri Apr 18 09:12:35 CEST 2008

Hi all,


     1.   When in try to install NSClient++ SysTray in my Windows PC
which has to be monitored by Nagios I get the following error msg.


"C:\NSClient++>NSClient++ SysTray install

l \SysTray.cpp(63) SystemTray is now able to run as the

ESS flag has been set.

Failed to terminate thread: SysTray...

MAJOR ERROR: Could not unload thread...

e \SysTray.cpp(53) Could not exit the thread, memory leak and potential
corruption may be the result..."


2. when monitoring my SNMP switch I am getting the following msg
"(Return code of 127 is out of bounds - plugin may be missing) "


3. I want to graph the Bandwidth utilization  using cacti and integrate
it with Nagios . help me with cacti installation & integration with



Sivaraj Ganesan 
Engineer - Network Operation 
India t: 91.484.408.6000  US t: 646.674.2500 ext  7081 

Leela Infopark | Plot No. 5 | Kinfra Export Promotion Industrial Park | Kusumagiri P. O. | Kakkanad | Kochi 682 030, India | www.opiglobal.com
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