[Nagiosplug-help] Recommended windows client

Duncan Ferguson duncan.ferguson at egg.com
Wed Nov 1 09:44:29 CET 2006

Thanks for everyone's help on this - most appreciated.

Ill go through all of the options and see which is most appropriate.


On Tue, 2006-10-31 at 19:31 +0100, Thomas Sluyter wrote:

> On 31 Oct, 2006, at 15:47, Duncan Ferguson wrote:
> > What is the "recommended" (or most popular/supported/up-to-date)  
> > nagios
> > client for windows servers?
> I've composed a list op options that I've stumbled upon over the past  
> few months, with a few additional details. You can find it over here - 
>  > http://www.kilala.nl/Sysadmin/winclients-NAGIOS.php
> By the by, if anyone sees any errors in there, I'd love to hear about  
> them.
> Cheers!
> Thomas
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Duncan Ferguson

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