[Nagiosplug-help] formatting SNMP data

Randall R. Saeks rsaeks at district30.k12.il.us
Wed Nov 1 04:37:35 CET 2006

I am looking to use the check_snmp plugin (v1.5.7) and when I run my  
test query, I get some odd formatted data that I do not see when I  
use snmpwalk.  Is there a command or flag that I need to run to have  
it NOT display: "c;;;;" at the end of the query?

I am running Nagios 2.5 on OS X v. 10.4.7.  As I mentioned above,  
when I run the same command against the machine and the OID with  
snmpwalk, I do not get that odd formatting at the end.


Randall R. Saeks, ACSA
Network Administrator/Computer Support Specialist
Northbrook / Glenview School District 30

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