[Nagiosplug-help] Help with Event handler again!!solved

Soeun Vanny vanny at artemis-it.com
Thu Jun 12 17:26:32 CEST 2003


Thank you a lot for your good advice.

At last, i got the right answer.I realized that there's nothing wrong with
the event handler script nor nagios itself.

the critical point is that i'm not patient enough to wait until nagios
returns its check result.That is to say my nagios takes about ten minutes to
return the result on the service checks after they were assumed to be
down.Actually , i waited about 5 to 7 minutes,which is obviously short of
nagios'time,to jump into conclusion that my work is failed.I'm so sorry..

best regards,

_/  日本アルテミス株式会社
_/  スーン・ヴァニー (Soeun Vanny)
_/  mailto : vanny at artemis-it.com

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