R: [Nagiosplug-help] Check_snmp and Could not open pipe: error VERSION 2

Pietro Bandera pietrob at lansystems.it
Thu Jun 12 00:31:13 CEST 2003

>Can you recompile check_snmp from source?
>It looks like the plugin cannot fork and launch the snmpget binary

All right

In the attach file there is the log of all the steps i made

The linux i use is a red hat 7.3 with almost all the updates, gcc
included and nothing else changed about permission, pam..or anything

And here there is the snmp i have

[root at dns ftplan]# rpm -qa | grep snmp

-------------- next part --------------
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URL: <http://nagios-plugins.org/archive/help/attachments/20030612/7eb26dbf/attachment.obj>

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