[Nagiosplug-devel] Enhancement Patch for check_icmp

Marlo Bell BELLMR at ldschurch.org
Wed Mar 7 17:45:00 CET 2007

We had a need to use check_icmp to check redundant links and report back on the
total availability (end-user perspective). Thus if one of the links was up, we
needed the plugin to return an OK.
To do this our now defunct developer (he left for another job) altered
check_icmp to allow us to specify (-m) the minimum number of hosts which must
return ok to report an OK to nagios.
I moved the changes into nagios-plugins-1.4.6 and created the diff file and
universal patch file. I have attached them-can we get this or a better
implementation of this into CVS? Can anyone else benefit from it?

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