[OT] How to unsubsribe
Werner Flamme
werner.flamme at ufz.de
Fri Nov 8 11:15:39 CET 2013
Eric Plougastel [08.11.2013 11:06]:
> I never subcribe, also I have no paswword tu unsubscribe !!!!
> Please take off my email address from your list.
You do not need a password to unsubscribe.
In the header of each and every mail on the list, you find
List-Unsubscribe: <http://nagios-plugins.org/list/options/help>,
<mailto:help-request at nagios-plugins.org?subject=unsubscribe>
So write a mail to help-request at nagios-plugins.org, use the subject
"unsubscribe" and leave the message empty, then you're done.
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