[Nagiosplug-help] Configuring nightly checks

Aki Riisiö aki.riisio at canter.fi
Mon Jun 17 10:32:25 CEST 2013


Can you provide me with an example how to conifgure notification intervals so that at 00:00 - 06:00 it only notifies in every one hour, but in day time, in every 20 mins.

Best regards,

Aki Riisiö
Technical specialist
[cid:image001.gif at 01CE6B4E.1C644EC0]
Canter Oy | Metsänpojankuja 5 | 02130 Espoo
direct: 020 765 7827  | GSM: 040 662 5274 | switch: 020 765 7810
aki.riisio at canter.fi<mailto:aki.riisio at canter.fi> | www.canter.fi<http://www.canter.fi/>

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