[Nagiosplug-help] Integration monitoring

Aki Riisiö aki.riisio at canter.fi
Wed Jun 12 14:19:31 CEST 2013


We have product information integrations rolling on every night and we have used Icinga and Nagios plugins to monitor many of our services, which has worked great.
Now we are thinking of monitoring out integrations. The integrations are rolling on Kettle and there's an option to send an email which tells if the integration has completed successfully or if it contains any errors.
My question is: is there any way to monitor these emails and maybe check if it contains any errors. For example if the email contains an error message, specified plugin (check_email?) returns CRITICAL and Icinga monitor lets us know the current state?
I have already downloaded the check_email plugins to our Linux server, but I have no idea how to apply it...!

Best regards,

Aki Riisiö
Technical specialist
[cid:image001.gif at 01CE6780.3CD79800]
Canter Oy | Metsänpojankuja 5 | 02130 Espoo
direct: 020 765 7827  | GSM: 040 662 5274 | switch: 020 765 7810
aki.riisio at canter.fi<mailto:aki.riisio at canter.fi> | www.canter.fi<http://www.canter.fi/>

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