error installing nagios-plugins version 1.5

Holger Weiß holger at
Wed Dec 18 13:17:50 CET 2013

* Nir Arbel <nir.arbel at> [2013-12-18 12:05]:
> I have tried to compile and install nagios-plugins version 1.5 in order
> to use check_snmp that per notes its part of this plugins package. I
> have verified net-snmp is installed..
> I tried to install it via regular way configure & make & make install ,
> I didn't get any error during this process - but after done I don't find
> the check_snmp plugin at /usr/local/nagios/libexec

Could you "cd" into the Nagios Plugins source directory and post the
output of "grep -i snmp config.log | sort -u"?

Thanks, Holger

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