[Nagiosplug-help] nagios plugin issues...

Tilakraj Rajasekar tilakraj.rajasekar at linkedteams.com
Thu Apr 4 10:53:50 CEST 2013


I installed nagios plugin in my one of our server centos 64-bit, other
nagios plugin are working fine but only that mysql plugin was not working
it asking "libmysqlclient18.so" but it actually available in lib64/mysql/
folder but it's still asking.

What we suspect is, that installed nagios mysql plugin it checking that
mysql library in lib/ folder not in lib64/ folder.

We copied that required "mysqlclient18.so" in lib64/ to lib/ folder, after
we try to run the nagios mysql plugin the same error only it generates.

Even we tried with the nagios-plugin 64-bit package, But sill the same
error exist.

We need your assistance to solve this problem.

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