[Nagiosplug-help] Disable RFC4507 support issues

Andrew Widdersheim awiddersheim at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 7 01:19:20 CEST 2012

 * Disable RFC4507 support, to work around SSL negotiation issues with
   (at least) some Tomcat versions

Saw the above as a fix in the new release which is awesome because it is a major pain with some systems.

The problem I'm seeing is the release notes make it sound as though this is done by default but from what I'm seeing the only
way to turn that fix on is by defining SSL_OP_NO_TICKET using CFLAGS unless I am missing something. 

It is a bit deceiving IMO. Be nice to have as an option in configure at the very least. Again, maybe I'm missing something.
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