[Nagiosplug-help] contrib maintainer unreachable

William Hopkins we.hopkins at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 22:08:43 CET 2012

I have discovered and resolved a bug in a contrib script, but the
email listed for this script's maintainer is not working. In this
scenario, will you take over ownership, grant ownership to me, or
remove the script?

Script snmp_check_disk_monitor.pl
nagios-plugins version: 1.4.15
patch attached

apologies if this has been addressed, I was unable to find a search
function for the sourceforge mailing list archives.

William Hopkins
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Name: 1.4.15-check_snmp_disk_monitor.diff
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URL: <http://nagios-plugins.org/archive/help/attachments/20120202/551c16e6/attachment.diff>

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