[Nagiosplug-help] Regex Nagiosgraph

domenico cosentino grouchoman at hotmail.it
Thu Apr 5 11:00:03 CEST 2012

I insert in nagiosgraph/map the line "/output:SNMP OK - (\d+)/and push @s, [Payloadsec, ['data', GAUGE, $1]];"
At this time I restart nagios.My perfdata.log is:1333616266||Abilis||Throughput_5_sec_Tx||SNMP OK - 330224||ABILIS-CPX-2-MIB::cxEthDgTxPayload5secThr.eth.4=330224c
The rrd files aren't created.Thanks

Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2012 10:36:55 +0200
From: ck at claudiokuenzler.com
To: nagiosplug-help at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Nagiosplug-help] Regex Nagiosgraph

This is my perfdata.log:
----------------------------------------------1333613914||Firenze||PING||PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 17.65 ms||1333613923||Abilis||Controllo Usb Cell 2||SNMP OK - no(0)||
1333613929||Abilis||PING||PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 1.13 ms||1333613929||Abilis0||PING||PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 14.14 ms||1333613930||Vtiger||PING||PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 3.79 ms||
1333613935||Abilis||Stato Cell 3||SNMP OK - disconnected(0)||1333613935||Abilis_Voghera_Sturla||VPN||SNMP OK - up(1)||1333613933||Milano||PING||PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 16.45 ms||
1333613939||Abilis1||PING||PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 14.10 ms||1333613943||Abilis||Stato Cell 2||SNMP OK - disconnected(0)||1333613943||Abilis||Throughput_5_sec_Rx||SNMP OK - 199672||ABILIS-CPX-2-MIB::cxEthDgRxPayload5secThr.eth.4=199672c
1333613947||Abilis||Uptime||SNMP OK - Timeticks: (855550540) 99 days, 0:31:45.40||1333613959||Abilis_Voghera_Sturla||VPN2||SNMP OK - up(1)||1333613965||Abilis_Voghera_Sturla||Throughput_5_min_Tx||SNMP OK - 664||ABILIS-CPX-2-MIB::cxEthDgTxPayload5minThr.eth.1=664c
1333613967||Abilis||Throughput_5_min_Rx||SNMP OK - 596616||ABILIS-CPX-2-MIB::cxEthDgRxPayload5minThr.eth.4=596616c--------------------------------------------
The Regular expressions last email don't work.

Which regex did you use at the end?
Please show the relevant entries of your map file.
Are the RRD files created or not?

Thank you very much! 

I'm sorry for my english

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 18:32:23 +0200

From: ck at claudiokuenzler.com
To: nagiosplug-help at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Nagiosplug-help] Regex Nagiosgraph

You have two possibilities:
- You parse the output line or
- You parse the perfdata

You can't take the output AND the perfdata together in the regex.

For output:

/output:SNMP OK - (\d+)/and push @s, [Payloadsec,

['data', GAUGE, $1]];

Note that you have to be very careful with this because you probably have other checks starting with the output SNMP OK....

For perfdata (Tx):
/perfdata:ABILIS-CPX-2-MIB.*TxPayload.*=(\d+).*/and push @s, [TxPayloadsec,

['data', GAUGE, $1]];

For perfdata (Rx):
/perfdata:ABILIS-CPX-2-MIB.*RxPayload.*=(\d+).*/and push @s, [RxPayloadsec,

['data', GAUGE, $1]];

For perfdata (both):
/perfdata:ABILIS-CPX-2-MIB.*Payload.*=(\d+).*/and push @s, [Payloadsec,

['data', GAUGE, $1]];

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 5:24 PM, domenico cosentino <grouchoman at hotmail.it> wrote:

When I submit this check:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_snmp -H 79.xxx.xxx.xxx -C public -m /usr/share/snmp/mibs/abilis2.mib -o cxEthDgTxPayload5secThr.eth.1

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------I receve this response:

SNMP OK - 4845272 | ABILIS-CPX-2-MIB::cxEthDgTxPayload5secThr.eth.1=4845272c



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