[Nagiosplug-help] Regex Nagiosgraph
domenico cosentino
grouchoman at hotmail.it
Thu Apr 5 10:25:55 CEST 2012
This is my perfdata.log:
----------------------------------------------1333613914||Firenze||PING||PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 17.65 ms||1333613923||Abilis||Controllo Usb Cell 2||SNMP OK - no(0)||1333613929||Abilis||PING||PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 1.13 ms||1333613929||Abilis0||PING||PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 14.14 ms||1333613930||Vtiger||PING||PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 3.79 ms||1333613935||Abilis||Stato Cell 3||SNMP OK - disconnected(0)||1333613935||Abilis_Voghera_Sturla||VPN||SNMP OK - up(1)||1333613933||Milano||PING||PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 16.45 ms||1333613939||Abilis1||PING||PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 14.10 ms||1333613943||Abilis||Stato Cell 2||SNMP OK - disconnected(0)||1333613943||Abilis||Throughput_5_sec_Rx||SNMP OK - 199672||ABILIS-CPX-2-MIB::cxEthDgRxPayload5secThr.eth.4=199672c1333613947||Abilis||Uptime||SNMP OK - Timeticks: (855550540) 99 days, 0:31:45.40||1333613959||Abilis_Voghera_Sturla||VPN2||SNMP OK - up(1)||1333613965||Abilis_Voghera_Sturla||Throughput_5_min_Tx||SNMP OK - 664||ABILIS-CPX-2-MIB::cxEthDgTxPayload5minThr.eth.1=664c1333613967||Abilis||Throughput_5_min_Rx||SNMP OK - 596616||ABILIS-CPX-2-MIB::cxEthDgRxPayload5minThr.eth.4=596616c--------------------------------------------
The Regular expressions last email don't work.Thank you very much!
I'm sorry for my english
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 18:32:23 +0200
From: ck at claudiokuenzler.com
To: nagiosplug-help at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Nagiosplug-help] Regex Nagiosgraph
You have two possibilities:
- You parse the output line or
- You parse the perfdata
You can't take the output AND the perfdata together in the regex.
For output:
/output:SNMP OK - (\d+)/and push @s, [Payloadsec,
['data', GAUGE, $1]];
Note that you have to be very careful with this because you probably have other checks starting with the output SNMP OK....
For perfdata (Tx):
/perfdata:ABILIS-CPX-2-MIB.*TxPayload.*=(\d+).*/and push @s, [TxPayloadsec,
['data', GAUGE, $1]];
For perfdata (Rx):
/perfdata:ABILIS-CPX-2-MIB.*RxPayload.*=(\d+).*/and push @s, [RxPayloadsec,
['data', GAUGE, $1]];
For perfdata (both):
/perfdata:ABILIS-CPX-2-MIB.*Payload.*=(\d+).*/and push @s, [Payloadsec,
['data', GAUGE, $1]];
On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 5:24 PM, domenico cosentino <grouchoman at hotmail.it> wrote:
When I submit this check:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_snmp -H 79.xxx.xxx.xxx -C public -m /usr/share/snmp/mibs/abilis2.mib -o cxEthDgTxPayload5secThr.eth.1
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------I receve this response:
SNMP OK - 4845272 | ABILIS-CPX-2-MIB::cxEthDgTxPayload5secThr.eth.1=4845272c
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