[Nagiosplug-help] Check_http non english string
Vladimir B.
vova190181 at gmail.com
Thu May 12 20:25:37 CEST 2011
Thanks for the reply.
I am trying to look for a string in HEBREW.
I tried the following command to search for a string:
check_http -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -4 -f follow -s$STRING$
But there is no hebrew installed on the nagios machine and i prefer not
install it. Therefore i cannot use a hebrew string in the command.
I tried to search for the string using the REGEX (for example i tried to
look for the hebrew string "פתרונות עסקיים" on google.co.il. When looking in
the code of the page this Hebrew string can be found next to the word
SERVICES). I converted the string
to ASCII and i got this:
I replaced the % with \x to use the string with REXEG
Then I tried using the following command:
check_http -H google.co.il -4 -f follow -r
It resulted in "PATTERN NOT FOUND"
Any ideas ?
Thanks in advance.
On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 4:28 PM, Erik Wasser <erik.wasser at iquer.net> wrote:
> On Thursday 12-05-2011 15:57:00 Vladimir B. wrote:
> > > I tried using the regex string command but it does'nt work.
> > Really ? No one ever tried it ? :)
> > Any ideas will be helpful.
> "...but it does'nt work..." is not an error message nor a useful
> description
> of what or what not happenend.
> What does you command look like? Maybe this is a encoding problem but
> without
> any details...
> --
> So long... Erik
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