[Nagiosplug-help] Bizarre xml file issue in pnp4nagios

Jeff S jeff80 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 22:12:17 CEST 2011


I'm running Nagios Version 3.2.0 and I've got a very odd issue with Nagios
PNP with stats collection.

We run about 30 instances of Clammy on the server being checked. I have a
script which basically collects data about each instance of Clammy from a PS
command, parses the data and outputs to Nagios.
I pass specific dataset values via a pipe | to Perfdata and everything works
great...as long as I don't try to get data on more than 2 instances of

For example, here's the value of Performance Data when checking only 2


That works great, and PNP graphs the values just fine. However, if I make
the check for 3 Clammys, I get the following output:

Clam_num:3 Scan_%:67.3 Scan_num:6474 Cache_%:32.7 Cache_num:3143
Scan/sec:32.1 |

As you can see, the parser suddenly decides that for Clam_num 3 it's going
to insert both the status and performance data into the DS of what should
only be performance data.

When I look at the XML file, the DS that should just contain the value "3"
for Clam_num actually contains the entire string of:
"Clam_num:3 Scan_%:67.3 Scan_num:6474 Cache_%:32.7 Cache_num:3143
Scan/sec:32.1 |

Even stranger, the DS values that follow resume correctly and contain what
they should. e.g. The scan_% value for Clam 3 is correct, the Scan_num value
is correct, etc.

Am I missing something here or is this the twilight zone?

PHP script on the Nagios box:

$ds_name[1] = " statistics"; $opt[1] = "-M --title \"Clam stat check for
$hostname\" --height=250 --width=800 "; $def[1] = "";

$colors = array(

            'Clam_num' => '#F90303',
            'Scan_%' => '#FC4A4A',
            'Scan_num' => '#FC8A8A',
            'Cache_%' => '#FBBCBC',
            'Cache_num' => '#F906F5',
            'Scan_per_sec' => '#F87BF6',


$keys = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18); foreach( $keys
as $key){ $def[1] .= "DEF:var$key=$rrdfile:$DS[$key]:AVERAGE " ; $def[1] .=
"LINE:var$key".$colors[$NAME[$key]].":\"$NAME[$key]\t\" " ; $def[1] .=
"GPRINT:var$key:LAST:\"%1.0lf Max\" "; }


Check script that runs on the client and collects the data:


ECHO=/bin/echo CUT=/usr/bin/cut GREP=/bin/grep SORT=/usr/bin/sort

F=/var/log/purewire.log rm /tmp/AVS_clam_*

pid_list=ps axu | $GREP clammy | $GREP -v grep | awk '{print $2}'

c=0 for x in $pid_list ; do

    let c=c+1

    entry=`$GREP "clammy\[$x\]" $F | $GREP "scan stats" | $SORT | tail -1`

    ## AVSCAN data
    AVSCAN=`$ECHO "$entry" | $CUT -s -d" " -f10`
    Scan_p=`$ECHO $AVSCAN | $CUT -s -d"|" -f 2`
    Scan_num=`$ECHO $AVSCAN | $CUT -s -d"|" -f 3 | $CUT -d">" -f 1`

    ## CACHE data
    CACHE=`$ECHO "$entry" | $CUT -s -d" " -f11`
    Cache_p=`$ECHO $CACHE | $CUT -s -d"|" -f 2`
    Cache_num=`$ECHO $CACHE | $CUT -s -d"|" -f 3 | $CUT -d">" -f 1`

    ## Throughput data
    TPUT=`$ECHO "$entry" | $CUT -s -d" " -f14`
    Scan_sec=`$ECHO $TPUT | $CUT -s -d"|" -f 2`

    let Tot=Scan_num+Cache_num

#echo "Scan %: $Scan_p  Number Scanned: $Scan_num"
#echo "Cache %: $Cache_p  Cache hits: $Cache_num"
#echo "Scans per Sec: $Scan_sec   Total Scanned: $Tot"

    #echo $c,$Scan_p,$Scan_num,$Cache_p,$Cache_num,$Scan_sec
    if [[ $c -le 3 ]]; then
    echo $c,$Scan_p,$Scan_num,$Cache_p,$Cache_num,$Scan_sec >>
            clammy=`awk -F"," '{ print "Clam_num:" $1 " Scan_%:" $2 "
Scan_num:" $3 " Cache_%:" $4 " Cache_num:" $5 " Scan/sec:" $6 " | Clam_num="
$1 ";Scan_%=" $2 ";Scan_num=" $3 ";Cache_%=" $4 ";Cache_num=" $5
";Scan_per_sec=" $6 ";"}' /tmp/AVS_clam_"$c"_stats`
    echo $clammy

done exit 0
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