[Nagiosplug-help] General Question

Todd Perdue tperdue at medben.com
Mon Jan 17 20:29:04 CET 2011

Sorry if this question is trivial.  I am new to this and limited with


I currently have Nagios 3.2.1 running and I am confused on the plugins.
I have downloaded and run the install.  However if I try to use the
check_hpjd or one like it, I get an error code 127 that the plugin may
not be installed.  Now when I look at the libexec folder in
/usr/local/nagios/ directory I do not see the plugin there.  My
windows.cfg file and localhost.cfg work fine.  If I try to enable the
example other than ping in the printer.cfg or the switch.cfg, I get the
same error.  It seems that the plugins are not installed correctly.  I
can find the plugins directory in the download area of /root, but the
check_hpjd is check_hpjd.c so I am not sure what I am doing wrong and
would appreciate any help you can give me.   It has to be something



Todd Perdue
Technical Services Supervisor


1975 Tamarack Rd.
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(800) 423-3151, Ext. 395
(740) 522-7395
(740) 522-5002 fax

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