[Nagiosplug-help] Creating a plugin

Claudio Nunes ca-nunes at criticalsoftware.com
Tue Aug 2 10:02:10 CEST 2011


I´m a begineer in Ngaios,

I´m using Nagios to scan my entire network wich contains services with a illegal characther (the dollar symbol,"$"),

i.e.   myservice$system-guard

I tried many ways to overcome  this issue,

Escaping the dollar symbol by introducing another dollar symbol or the escape slash (myservice\$system-guard, myservice$$system-guard or myservice\$$system-guard).

Deleting the $ at nagios core configurator manager and at nagios.cfg file, after doing this check_nt plugin gives a error saying "could not parse arguments"

None of them works.

I´m desperately needing help to create a especificaly plugin to monitor this service.

Any help please
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