[Nagiosplug-help] Any pluging to check both: low and high interface traffic

Rutger Blom rutger at blokje.net
Fri Oct 1 20:18:08 CEST 2010

Did you have a look at  check_snmp_netint_21.pl?


On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 8:10 PM, Leandro Roggerone <
leandro_roggerone at dmcwireless.com> wrote:

>  Dear all , I have been working with a few plugins to check a normal
> condition on the interface that takes my customers trafic to the
> internet in our ÍSP.
> I tried some plugins but all of them allow me to set a maximun traffic
> threshold level, but since our normal traffic is betwen 40Mbps and
> 300Mbps I need also know when it falls under a minimun threshold level.
> Any ideas ??? bye. LEO.
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Rutger Blom
Luzernvägen 14
227 38 LUND
Tel. +46 763 46 99 44

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