[Nagiosplug-help] Problem with check_nt plugin only one digit return when use a perfomance counter

Sébastien HAIRION sebastien.hairion at nellarmonia.eu
Fri Mar 26 13:57:19 CET 2010




In first thank’s for you job.


I use nagios to monitor my windows server. 

I use logically check_nt for that and I ask the performance counter.


But when I do that in a bash :


./check_nt –H –p 12489 –v COUNTER –l ’’
\\Process(sqlservr)\\Working <file:///\\Process(sqlservr)\Working>  Set’’ -s


The result is :




 but when i see the perfomance counter in perfmon the value are 55287808.



And i don’t think the problem are in NsClient ++ because in the log i can
see that :


2010-03-26 00:30:58: debug:.\NSClientListener.cpp:143: Data:
Password&8&\Process(sqlservr)\Working Set

2010-03-26 00:30:58: debug:.\NSClientListener.cpp:168: Data:
\Process(sqlservr)\Working Set

2010-03-26 00:30:58: debug:.\NSClient++.cpp:516: Injecting: checkCounter:
Counter=\Process(sqlservr)\Working Set, nsclient

2010-03-26 00:30:59: debug:.\NSClient++.cpp:536: Injected Result: OK

2010-03-26 00:30:59: debug:.\NSClient++.cpp:537: Injected Performance
Result: ''


I try to search help on goole but i don’t find anything.


Y try to reconstruct my perfomance counter database with lodctr /R,  i try
too to use differents versions of NSclient ++ and differents versions of
check_nt but the results are the same.


Version use :

Nagios 3.1.2

Plugins 1-4.14

NSClient++ 0.3.5


I test these version

NSClient ++ 0.3.7

NSClient ++ 0.3.1

Plugins 1.4.11

Plugins 1.4.12


I don’t have this problem before for my other server.


Anyone have an idea of the resolution of this problem ?


Thank’s for you help



Bests Regard




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