[Nagiosplug-help] Plugin perpetually in warn state

Chase Simms csimm at pubpress.com
Tue Mar 2 01:14:21 CET 2010

Yes. I logged in as nagios and ran the command from the root. I ran the
command from /nagios and the full path.

I also temporarily pasted the command from the command line into the
commands.cfg and took out the arguments out of the service call so the
entire command, address and all was in the commands.cfg.

I wondered if it was something nagios is doing interfering with java.
I'm completely stumped. 

>>> "Kyle O'Donnell" 03/01/10 4:46 PM >>> 
Are you running on the command line as the 'nagios' users? could 
there be an environment variable missing? or a permissions problem? 


On 3/1/10, Chase Simms wrote: 
> I am running Nagios 3.0.2 on CentOS 5.2. I've written some of my own 
> plugins and have had this running for a few years. So far, so good.
Now I 
> want to monitor some Java apps using JMX. I tried a few different
> but haven't found one that works for me. 
> I am trying to use Syabru Nagios JMX Plugin from 

> It works when I run manually from the command line. I verified the
> codes are returning correctly. 
> Nagios always says the service is in a warn state and the Status
> is always (null). 
> Here are some excerpts from my config files to show my wiring. 
> commands.cfg: 
> define command { 
> command_name check_feed_jmx 
> command_line /nagios/libexec/check_jmx -U 
> service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://$HOSTADDRESS$:$ARG1$/jmxrmi -O 
> SimonAuto:type=Feed,controller=pathProcessorController -A PollRate -K 
> PollRate -w 70 -c 80 
> } 
> services.cfg: 
> define service { 
> service_description FEED-SERVICE 
> hostgroups FEED-SERVERS 
> check_command check_feed_jmx!1620 
> } 
> hostgroups.cfg 
> define hostgroup { 
> hostgroup_name FEED-SERVERS 
> members SIMONAUTO6 
> } 
> Any hints are appreciated. 
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