[Nagiosplug-help] regarding check_nt, can critical threshold be a MINIMUM threshold?

Benny Hauk benny.hauk at lifeway.com
Thu Jun 3 20:18:52 CEST 2010

When I run the Nagios service represented by this command:
check_nt -H -s "" -p 12489 -v COUNTER -l "\\System\\System Up
Time","Server has been up %.f seconds" -w 0 -c 300

Nagios reports that the host is in a critical state if it's been powered on
for more than 5 minutes (300 seconds).  I am wanting to report on the
opposite behavior.  I want an alert to go out when the server has been
restarted in some way or another in the past 5 minutes.  Since some of our
virtual machines reboot faster than our checking intervals, to do that I
would like an alert to be triggerred whenever the "System Up Time" counter
is LESS THAN 300 seconds, indicating some kind of system restart has
occurred.  The critical threshold seems to only be able to be a "Maximum"
threashold (meaning anything greater puts the service at a "critical"
status).  Anyone know how to reverse that so that the 300 is a "minimum"
critical threshold?  Some kind of a "NOT" parameter perhaps?

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