[Nagiosplug-help] Nagios Plugins 1.4.14 with QNAP TS-809U-RP NAS

Jeremy Yates jyates at us.ibm.com
Thu Jul 8 19:19:07 CEST 2010

To whom it may concern:

I am attempting to install the Nagios plugins (version 1.4.14) on a QNAP 
TS-809U-RP NAS device.

I was originally unable to run the configure script due to the script 
hanging at "checking for ICMP ping syntax", but managed to remove that 
particular part of the configure script, and it seemed to run ok.  Then 
(after ensuring the proper ipkg's were installed), ran the make command, 
and the make install command.

The make install did not create and populate the libexec directory into 
the /usr/local/nagios directory.  I ran the make install again with the 
----prefix switch and the --with-cgiURL as described in the README, with 
no luck..

Can anyone tell me if/how it is possible to use Nagios (core3 I believe) 
to monitor a QNAP NAS device running a basic Linux OS?

Thanks much in advance!!!

Jeremy A. Yates
Systems/Network Administrator III
Office: 304-726-7824
Cell: 240-580-6025
Fax: 304-726-7823
jyates at us.ibm.com
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