[Nagiosplug-help] check_ping service not generating alerts.

Pablo Muñoz Rojas pablomunoz at mutualdeseguros.cl
Thu Jul 8 16:26:57 CEST 2010

ping response from console to the machine example.net?

maybe the linux machine that does not resolve the name


2010/7/7 Nadeem Mushtaq <nmushtaq at imunar.com>

>  Hi all,
> I have defined a service for PING in Nagios as follows:
> define service{
>    use                                      generic-service
>    host_name                      example.net
>    service_description     PING
>    check_command          check_ping!1600.0,40%!3000.0,60%
> }
> Problem is when I down the host it sends alerts for all other services but
> none for “*PING service*”. PING alert is sent out for Host after specified
> max_check_attempts. I want to be notified for the PING service (defined
> above) as well. I noticed that service state changes to Hard to Soft and
> then immediately to Hard bypassing the max_check_attemps and does not
> generate any alert. Am I missing something or is it a bug?
> Hope someone can help.
> Thanks.
> Nadeem Mushtaq.
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Por su atención, gracias.

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