[Nagiosplug-help] Nagios XI

Bob Farrell farrellb2009 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 3 22:09:36 CEST 2010

Thanks for your response.

Much obliged !


On Sat, Jul 3, 2010 at 4:02 PM, Litwin, Matthew <mlitwin at stubhub.com> wrote:

> check_snmp is a core nagios plugin. I have never used Nagios XI but since
> runs on the open source version of nagios it would still offer everything
> nagios has. how you run check_snmp obviously depends on how you configure it
> in yours services.cfg and you are going to have to identify the OIDs you
> want as before.
> It's nagios, so ultimately you can use whatever plugins you want if you are
> willing to write them if they are not already written already.
> On Jul 3, 2010, at 10:44 AM, Bob Farrell wrote:
> > Looks like I am going to purchase this product. I am setting up
> implementation/migration docs, but one thing eludes me here. I am NOT going
> to install it as a VM and can get around that without issue, but I find NO
> where where it says I can use SNMP to query my clients. I do not want to
> install agents. Please tell me folks I am wrong here. Willing to pay the
> money for what looks like an even better product than Nagios already was.
> >
> > BF
> > <ATT00001..txt><ATT00002..txt>
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