[Nagiosplug-help] Problems with check_ntp_time v1.4.14 NTP CRITICAL: Offset unknown|

Elie Delorme elie at at-m.ca
Thu Feb 18 13:45:52 CET 2010

Hi Thomas,
I will try using the "-q" option for a while, it does seem to resolve the
problems we were experiencing.


On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 2:29 AM, Thomas Guyot-Sionnest <dermoth at aei.ca>wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 17/02/10 07:55 AM, Elie Delorme wrote:
> > All servers I poll have the same ntp configuration, it looks like the
> > plugin can't handle some offsets,
> > most of the time everything is fine, then I randomly get an "Offset
> > unknown" for a server.
> The Offset unknown error is usually shown when the remote peer is not
> synchronized, which may happen from time to time even on a healthy NTP
> server. In most cases the check should recover before hitting
> max_check_attempt; if not then you may have to look at your nagios
> settings (how many attempts and at which interval?) or check if there's
> a problem with the remote NTP server(s) itself (you may be using servers
> that are going down often).
> Since you're using check_ntp_time I guess you're checking the time delta
> with a remote peer - in that case you can use something like
> us.pool.ntp.org instead of a single NTP server, this way check_ntp_time
> will select up to 4 servers out of the multiple returned IPs and select
> the best one for calculating the time delta.
> Also, for both check_ntp_time and _peer, you can use the -q (--quiet)
> switch to make that UNKNOWN instead of critical, which depending on your
> settings may cause less nuisance or no nuisance at all.
> - --
> Thomas
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