[Nagiosplug-help] Problems with check_ntp_time v1.4.14 NTP CRITICAL: Offset unknown|

Elie Delorme elie at at-m.ca
Wed Feb 17 19:09:09 CET 2010

Hi Mike,
here is another sample output I got for a server that seems to be perfectly
sync'ed according to ntpq, the check_ntp_peer plugin now doesn't even report
an offset in the debug logs.

[root at rapture ~]# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ntp_peer -v -H
0 candiate peers available
warning: no synchronization source found
warning: LI_ALARM bit is set
NTP CRITICAL: Server not synchronized, Offset unknown|
[root at rapture ~]# ntpq xxx.xxx.xxx
ntpq> peers
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset
 *xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx     2 u   12   64   37    1.303   42.206
ntpq> q


On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 10:52 AM, Michael Saldivar <
mike.saldivar at advocatecreditrepair.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 5:55 AM, Elie Delorme <elie at at-m.ca> wrote:
>> All servers I poll have the same ntp configuration, it looks like the
>> plugin can't handle some offsets,
>> most of the time everything is fine, then I randomly get an "Offset
>> unknown" for a server.
>> I found a couple references to a bug involving a leap second, but they
>> were also saying that it should be corrected
>> in 1.4.12.
>> I have tried restarting the ntp service a couple times but it did not help
>> a bit.
>> I also checked with ntpq and everything seems fine.
>> My version is 1.4.14 ( latest available on sourceforge):
>> # /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ntp_time --help
>> check_ntp_time v1.4.14 (nagios-plugins 1.4.14)
>> Copyright (c) 2006 Sean Finney
>> Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nagios Plugin Development Team
>>         <nagiosplug-devel at lists.sourceforge.net>
>> Here is the output I get when executing the plugin from the command line:
>> # /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ntp_time -v -H xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
>> sending request to peer 0
>> response from peer 0: offset -0.01565231133
>> sending request to peer 0
>> response from peer 0: offset -0.01617310685
>> sending request to peer 0
>> response from peer 0: offset -0.01564534893
>> sending request to peer 0
>> response from peer 0: offset -0.01622254931
>> discarding peer 0: stratum=0
>> overall average offset: 0
>> NTP CRITICAL: Offset unknown|
> Have you checked the full time and date on these machines to make sure that
> they are actually correct?  Do they have a firewall rule blocking external
> NTP calls?
> -Mike
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