[Nagiosplug-help] Problems with check_ntp_time v1.4.14 NTP CRITICAL: Offset unknown|
Elie Delorme
elie at at-m.ca
Wed Feb 17 13:55:00 CET 2010
All servers I poll have the same ntp configuration, it looks like the plugin
can't handle some offsets,
most of the time everything is fine, then I randomly get an "Offset unknown"
for a server.
I found a couple references to a bug involving a leap second, but they were
also saying that it should be corrected
in 1.4.12.
I have tried restarting the ntp service a couple times but it did not help a
I also checked with ntpq and everything seems fine.
My version is 1.4.14 ( latest available on sourceforge):
# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ntp_time --help
check_ntp_time v1.4.14 (nagios-plugins 1.4.14)
Copyright (c) 2006 Sean Finney
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nagios Plugin Development Team
<nagiosplug-devel at lists.sourceforge.net>
Here is the output I get when executing the plugin from the command line:
# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ntp_time -v -H xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
sending request to peer 0
response from peer 0: offset -0.01565231133
sending request to peer 0
response from peer 0: offset -0.01617310685
sending request to peer 0
response from peer 0: offset -0.01564534893
sending request to peer 0
response from peer 0: offset -0.01622254931
discarding peer 0: stratum=0
overall average offset: 0
NTP CRITICAL: Offset unknown|
Every single other hosts return something similar to this:
# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ntp_time -v -H xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
sending request to peer 0
response from peer 0: offset 0.00188128947
sending request to peer 0
response from peer 0: offset 0.001869686646
sending request to peer 0
response from peer 0: offset 0.001876145543
sending request to peer 0
response from peer 0: offset 0.001873658912
overall average offset: 0.00188128947
NTP OK: Offset 0.00188128947 secs|offset=0.001881s;60.000000;120.000000;
*Elie Delorme *| Operations System Analyst / Analyste Opérations |
elie at atlastelecommobile.com
t 514 879 0362 x247
f 514 223 7486
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