[Nagiosplug-help] return message for plugins
David Lee
palann at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 23:08:49 CET 2010
(appologized for hitting send in the previous message)
> No. Was '<some message here>' in the first line of output from your
That is part of the output from my plugin. The output is obtained from
doing a "grep ORA" from Oracle's alert log. If there is a message, prefix
it with "Warning - ", follow by the output from grep.
To give you an example, if I run the stock check_load command that came with
Nagios I get these message. I'd like my plugin to show extra messages as
./check_load -w 0 -c 0
CRITICAL - load average: 0.50, 0.40, 0.26|load1=0.500;0.000;0.000;0;
load5=0.400;0.000;0.000;0; load15=0.260;0.000;0.000;0;
./check_load -w 0 -c 1
WARNING - load average: 0.52, 0.40, 0.27|load1=0.520;0.000;1.000;0;
load5=0.400;0.000;1.000;0; load15=0.270;0.000;1.000;0;
./check_load -w 1 -c 2
OK - load average: 0.59, 0.42, 0.28|load1=0.590;1.000;2.000;0;
load5=0.420;1.000;2.000;0; load15=0.280;1.000;2.000;0;
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Marc Powell <marc at ena.com> wrote:
> On Feb 3, 2010, at 2:47 PM, David Lee wrote:
> > Good day!
> >
> > After looking around Nagios's exchange and various other website, I am
> resorted to writing my own plugins. I took the examples and have my shell
> script returning "OK - <some message here>". "OK" was picked up and
> reported in Nagios web interface. The color was green for my check. The
> message however wasn't. Am I missing some kind of flag to report "messages"
> in service or command.cfg?
> No. Was '<some message here>' in the first line of output from your plugin?
> At the barest minimum, your plugin needs to check something, exit with the
> correct exit code for the state and to output one line of text for display
> in the GUI. There are other things it might do and this doc represents the
> standards for a 'good' plugin (including return codes)--
> http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/developer-guidelines.html
> > Another thing, I have in my possession Apress book on Nagios 2.0. How
> much is that out of date in the current 3.0 version?
> Not too much... This document will help you identify what's different -
> http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/whatsnew.html
> --
> Marc
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> ::: Please include plugins version (-v) and OS when reporting any issue.
> ::: Messages without supporting info will risk being sent to /dev/null
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