[Nagiosplug-help] nagios plugins

Stephen Vaughan stephenvaughan at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 15:12:58 CET 2010

it's not hard.. i mean really, a little digging around on google, or even
just reading the nagios docs should show you how to do it.

On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 8:59 PM, mostafa yasin <mostafayasin at hotmail.co.uk>wrote:

>  Dear Sir;
> Thank you very much for your help. I have copied the script into
> /usr/local/nagios/libexec
> and it 's executable and owned by root user. when i run the script
> manually, it 's running.
> But how to:
> -          Write a check command that calls the plugin; if you don’t know
> it already, you’ll be able to work out the syntax by looking at some of the
> other check commands in your nagios /etc/ directory, in commands.cfg.
> -          Add a service definition for your iptables host that uses the
> check command.
> ---
> Best Regards,,
> *Mostafa Yasin*
> Linux System Engineer.
> ------------------------------
> From: Ian.Rarity at espc.com
> To: nagiosplug-help at lists.sourceforge.net
> Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2010 09:10:24 +0000
> Subject: Re: [Nagiosplug-help] nagios plugins
>  You’ll need to:
> -          Copy the script to your plugins directory (/usr/local/nagios/
> libexec by default) and make sure that it’s executable.
> -          Write a check command that calls the plugin; if you don’t know
> it already, you’ll be able to work out the syntax by looking at some of the
> other check commands in your nagios /etc/ directory, in commands.cfg.
> -          Add a service definition for your iptables host that uses the
> check command.
> Ta,
> IR.
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Ian Rarity
> IT Services Engineer
> ESPC (UK) Ltd.
> 0131-624-8000
> 07823-530-317
> ian.rarity at espc.com
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> *From:* mostafa yasin [mailto:mostafayasin at hotmail.co.uk]
> *Sent:* 02 February 2010 17:44
> *To:* nagiosplug-help at lists.sourceforge.net
> *Subject:* [Nagiosplug-help] nagios plugins
> Dear All;
> I have installed nagios-3.1.2 and i
> want a plugin to monitor iptables service. When i searched on the
> internet i found a script called check_iptables.sh on the site
> how to use this script as a nagios plugin?
>  ---
> Best Regards,,
> *Mostafa Yasin*
> Linux System Engineer.
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Best Regards,
Sent from Sydney, Nsw, Australia
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