[Nagiosplug-help] NRPE custom script misbehaves

Raja T Nair rtnair at gmail.com
Mon Aug 9 09:27:13 CEST 2010

Hi All

I am using nagios version 3.0.3.

For monitoring memory usage of my app servers, I wrote a bash script which
is executed through nrpe. (nrpe version 2.7 )
Things work fine, but when I made a change to the reporting `echo' line in
the script, it does not show up on nagios web interface as well as emails.

When I run the command manually on app servers and remotely from nagios
monitoring station using nrpe call, it works perfect.
Problem is only when the command is being run by nagios periodically. I even
doubt if nagios runs the command at all.

Running manually from nagios machine:

/etc/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H <app server IP> -c check_memory -a 60 75
Memory WARNING; Available: 12329MB(64.700% used)

The above result is correct. Please note the semicolon(;) after the WARNING

Whereas I get the string "Memory WARNING: Available: 12329MB(64.700% used)"
in web interface and emails (There is a colon(:) after the status)

Can someone guide me how to correct this behaviour?

Best Regards,
Raja T Nair.
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