[Nagiosplug-help] Some questions about Nagios
Dương Nguyễn
nghoduong at gmail.com
Fri Apr 9 07:46:45 CEST 2010
Hi Cody,
Thank for your answer, bug I'm using nagios to monitor a Linux server ( in
particular is Ubuntu 8.04 ). I saw that I can monitor Disk Usage of my
server by "check_disk" command, so how can I monitor CPU and Memory of my
Duong Nguyen
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 10:30 PM, Cody Hill <chill2 at uph.org> wrote:
> If you are trying to monitor a windows machine you need to look into the
> NSClient.
> You will install that software on the windows machine.
> You then need to configure the Nagios server to talk to the servers.
> Read here:
> http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2008/07/how-to-monitor-remote-windows-machine-using-nagios-on-linux/
> That is a quick way to get started.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Dương Nguyễn [mailto:nghoduong at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 08, 2010 3:58 AM
> *To:* nagiosplug-help at lists.sourceforge.net
> *Subject:* [Nagiosplug-help] Some questions about Nagios
> Dear Nagios Team,
> I have some questions want to ask you:
> - Does Nagios support to monitor the CPU of a server? - If "yes" --> How
> can I configure?
> - Does Nagios support to monitor the Memory of a server? - If "yes" --> How
> can I configure?
> - Does Nagios support to monitor the Disk Usage of a server - If "yes" -->
> How can I configure?
> Regards,
> Duong Nguyen
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