[Nagiosplug-help] Nagios plug-in compile error

Xiao Song Song.Xiao at technicolor.com
Thu Apr 8 11:00:40 CEST 2010

Sorry, forgot the attachment.

-----Original Message-----
From: Xiao Song [mailto:Song.Xiao at technicolor.com] 
Sent: 2010年4月8日 16:57
To: Nagios Plugin Help List
Subject: Re: [Nagiosplug-help] Nagios plug-in compile error


Much appreciate your kind help, butstill have the same problem. I am compiling on Solaris 8 (Generic_117350-62) server with gcc 3.4.2. 

Re-attached make log and configure log for your reference.

I am wondering what Solaris server did you use for the compilation?


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Guyot-Sionnest [mailto:dermoth at aei.ca] 
Sent: 2010年4月8日 13:58
To: Nagios Plugin Help List
Subject: Re: [Nagiosplug-help] Nagios plug-in compile error

* PGP Signed by an unknown key

On 07/04/10 09:57 PM, Xiao Song wrote:
> Tomas,
> I tried the versions you mentioned, the compilation still showed the same error.

Ok, I have imported the latest gnulib source and tested compilation on
my Solaris server (which doesn't have this rpl_open problem, but at
least I spotted other possible compile issues...).

Let me know what you get with:

nagios-plugins-gnulib_new.tar.gz        08-Apr-2010 05:06  2.0M

Still from the same snapshots dir:

If you have issues with this snapahos as well I may have to bring this
up again on the gnulib mailing list. Please send the exact error message
you get.

Thank you,


* Unknown Key
* 0xDE417216(L)

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