[Nagiosplug-help] Problem with Email Alerts

Ian Rarity Ian.Rarity at espc.com
Fri Sep 4 11:52:06 CEST 2009

Hi Narasimha,

The default notify command that’s being run is notify-host-by-email, which just uses /bin/mail to do the actual sending.  Can you use mail to send a test message from the command line?  If not, that’s your problem.
It may also be worth looking in your mail server’s logs; these will probably be somewhere like /var/log/mail or /var/log/maillog, and should indicate if a) the mail is being correctly send to your MTA, and b) whether or not the MTA has any problems delivering it.


From: Narasimha Tadepalli [mailto:Narasimha.Tadepalli at pervasive.com]
Sent: 03 September 2009 22:28
To: Nagios Plugin Help List
Subject: Re: [Nagiosplug-help] Problem with Email Alerts

Hi David

What is the default command Nagios uses to send mail?.
I found some thing in log files like below.

[09-03-2009 21:25:02] Warning: The results of service 'Current Load' on host 'ec2-75-101-200-287.compute-1.amazonaws.com' are stale by 0d 0h 3m 7s (threshold=0d 0h 3m 15s). I'm forcing an immediate check of the service.
[cid:image001.png at 01CA2D4D.6D367E60][09-03-2009 21:25:02] Warning: Contact 'nagiosadmin' host notification command '/usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios *****\n\nNotification Type: PROBLEM\nHost: ec2-75-101-200-287.compute-1.amazonaws.com\nState: DOWN\nAddress: ec2-75-101-200-287.compute-1.amazonaws.com\nInfo: Name or service not known\n\nDate/Time: Thu Sept 3 21:24:31 UTC 2009\n" | /bin/mail -s "** PROBLEM Host Alert: ec2-75-101-200-287.compute-1.amazonaws.com is DOWN **" ntadepalli at pervasive.com' timed out after 30 seconds
[cid:image001.png at 01CA2D4D.6D367E60][09-03-2009 21:24:59] HOST NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;ec2-75-101-200-287.compute-1.amazonaws.com;DOWN;notify-host-by-email;Name or service not known
[cid:image001.png at 01CA2D4D.6D367E60][09-03-2009 21:24:59] Warning: Contact 'nagiosadmin' host notification command '/usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios *****\n\nNotification Type: PROBLEM\n\nService: $SERVICEDESC$\nHost: ec2-75-101-200-287.compute-1.amazonaws.com\nAddress: ec2-75-101-200-287.compute-1.amazonaws.com\nState: $SERVICESTATE$\n\nDate/Time: Thu Sept 3 21:24:28 UTC 2009\n\nAdditional Info:\n\n$SERVICEOUTPUT$" | /bin/mail -s "** PROBLEM Service Alert: ec2-75-101-200-287.compute-1.amazonaws.com/$SERVICEDESC$ is $SERVICESTATE$ **" ntadepalli at pervasive.com' timed out after 30 seconds
[cid:image001.png at 01CA2D4D.6D367E60][09-03-2009 21:24:31] HOST NOTIFICATION: nagiosadmin;ec2-75-101-200-287.compute-1.amazonaws.com;DOWN;notify-host-by-email;Name or service not known


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