[Nagiosplug-help] lwp-download-speed nagios plugin

Jackie Kelly kelly.jackie at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 12:13:41 CET 2009

I found the following info: as below.
I downloaded the file lwp-download-speed. How do i install it for nagios? Do
i also have to install perl? How do i do this?

lwp-download-speed is a nagios-plugin based on the perl-download-program
"lwp-download". This plugin is useful to measure the speed of a
Requirements: perl, lwp

define command{
command_name check_http_speed
command_line $USER1$/lwp-download-speed -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$ -H $ARG3$ -u

*I inserted this code into the commands.cfg file*

Check-Command for Service(WEBSPEED):
check_command check_http_speed!200!100!server.example.com!/big_file.img

*I inserted this code into the localhost file as i want to download a file
on the localhost 500k file every hour to measure how long it takes.*

define ngraph{
service_name WEBSPEED
graph_log_regex (d+) w*B/w+
graph_value http_speed
graph_units KB/sec
graph_legend HTTP download speed
rrd_plottype AREA
rrd_color c0c0ff

*Where do i insert this code to have the grah??*
*Please reply!*
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