[Nagiosplug-help] check_proc issue

Tony Parsonage tpx00 at hotmail.com
Tue May 19 00:58:15 CEST 2009


I have seen several posts about the 'check_proc' command and how it is unable to be run unless by root.  I have the nagios 'nrpe' plugin working on several solaris servers, they are reporting to a oracle-linux nagios server which appears to work and report correctly.  I am getting different results on different solaris 10 systems running the same command.  The nrpe download is the same on all hosts involved - yet for some reason the check_proc command works on some and not on others.

The error I get is "
System call sent warnings to stderr: pst3: This program can only be run by the root user! "

Even if I try to run the command as 'root' I get the same issue.  It can't be a 32bit or 64bit compiling issue because the Solaris servers I am having different results on are all running 64Bit Solaris 10.

Any ideas?


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