[Nagiosplug-help] check_url.pl plugin

Evans Plummer evans.plummer at usis.com
Mon May 18 16:16:55 CEST 2009


    I am attempting to use the above referenced plugin without success.
I can execute it from a command line and it works fine, when I add it to
the cfg file it does not.  I get the "Running configuration check...
CONFIG ERROR!  Restart aborted.  Check your Nagios configuration."
error.  Here is the syntax I am using:

    define service{
        use                             generic-service
        host_name                  somehost
        service_description      URL
        check_command         check_url.pl!URL!1
        max_check_attempts   5
        normal_check_interval  5
        retry_check_interval     3
        check_period               24x7
        notification_interval       0
        notification_period        24x7
        notification_options      c,r
        contact_groups           some group 

    I have defined this info in the command.cfg file, I assume this must
be done for all added check commands?  Is this true?

    # 'check_url command' definition
define command{
        command_name    check_url
        command_line    $USER1$/check_url.pl $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$ $ARG2$

        Through trail and error I have remmed out all lines in the
"define service" section 1 at a time and restart the Nagios service and
have identified the "service_description" line as being the problem.
That seem very strange to me since it appears to only be a name.  Never
the less, I obviously have some syntax error preventing this from
operating properly.  Thanks for any assistance!


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