[Nagiosplug-help] custom plugin and NagiosGrapher

eva.keane at tradeweb.com eva.keane at tradeweb.com
Tue May 5 19:40:21 CEST 2009



I have a custom plugin that measure the memory. I am now to the point
that I would like to graph it.


(Nagiosgrapher is installed and working) 


Plugin: check_mem_system


I have output:


Memory OK, TOTAL=7970MB,FREE=7300MB,UTIL=11.89%|UTIL=11.89;80;90,0,7970


File: check_mem_system.ncfg


define ngraph{

         service_name            mem

         graph_perf_regex        ;(\d+)$

         graph_value             mem_100p

         graph_units             %

         graph_legend            total memory

         rrd_plottype            LINE1

         rrd_color               00ff00



Does this look ok...?


Also, how would graph know that it is that checking... with other
words..  service_name what should I put there....?


Thanks, Eva

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