[Nagiosplug-help] Plugin for measuring ressource starvation (I/O and CPU) in a virtual machine

Steffen Poulsen sp at tdchosting.dk
Tue Mar 31 12:01:38 CEST 2009

Hi all,

I was wondering if perhaps a plugin is available to measure the performance of a virtual machine, from "the inside"?

Typically you will have users complaining that the I/O performance is not what it was "yesterday" or that their machine is/was in other regards not behaving as expected.

Most of this can and should of course be measured from "the outside", through esx3 plugins of various sorts - but still the end-user experience can be challenging to measure in a trustworthy way using these tools.

Did anybody by any chance do something in this direction already?

Best regards,
Steffen Poulsen

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